CertainTeed Shingle Settlement - Estimated Settlement Calculator
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This calculator is provided as a convenience to help you to estimate how much money you might receive under the settlement if you have CertainTeed Organic Shingles that are covered under a warranty. The actual amount, if any, that you may receive will depend upon the verification of the data you supply on the claim form and on the supporting data that you submit in the claims process. In the event of any errors in the data you input into the calculator or any error in the Estimated Settlement Calculator itself, the terms of the Settlement Agreement control.

To use the Estimated Settlement Calculator, enter the appropriate information in the white boxes:

  • First, enter the number of squares (one “square” equals 100 square feet of shingles).

  • Second, enter the term of the warranty on your shingles in years.

  • Finally, enter the number of months the shingles have been or were installed on your roof.

Estimated and Non-Binding Settlement Agreement Calculator
for Organic Shingles Covered by Warranty

Only enter values in the white squares

Number of Squares (1 Square = 100 sq. feet)
Warranty Term (in years)
Number of months shingles were used

You can download and print a Claim Form from the Case Documents tab. If you would like us to mail you a Claim Form, please register below: